Cozy walks in the woods

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hijab-moroccan-scarf-fall winter fashion
hijab-moroccan-scarf-fall winter fashion
hijab-moroccan-scarf-fall winter fashion
hijab-moroccan-scarf-fall winter fashion

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If you are looking for me, I am most likely in the woods. I truly love having a long walk in nature. However, for over the past ten years, I suffered from chronic Lyme disease because of always being in nature. If you aren't familiar with Lyme, it is this horrible condition you receive after a tick bite. Usually, if you treat it  right away the virus is out of you. However, I was too late and suffered from chronic pain for years. 

The pain I would go through ranges from joint pain, muscle ache, fatigue, depression, digestive problems and memory loss. It is horrible but without my constant research, I would have never known.  I always thought that maybe it is all in my head. Throughout my teens and my 20s, I would go to the doctors go through a dozen of tests and they would tell me nothing was wrong.

It was after my move to England, I realized that enough was enough and there must be something wrong. Because of the climate change and being introduced to different foods that I was exposed to in England I was suffering through pain most of my days. I decided to research and came across Lyme, I flew back to America told my doctor to check for it and he told me I was paranoid but okay he will check. Then weeks passed and he told me you are right you do have it. ( Turns out I am a better doctor than he was)

This was a lesson to trust yourself. We know our bodies better than anyone else. Our bodies are our temples. They are vessels for your soul.  Listen to what your body says. I was blessed to have gone to England and suffered those days because it forced me to put my body first. If you feel something wrong with your whole being, mind, body, and soul then stop and listen. Your happiness lies in your own hands. 

I am glad to say that I recently found a specialist and I am feeling a lot better. My mind, body, and soul are finally all aligned. I am now able to live a life filled with peace and purpose. Which is why I feel it is my duty to help you design a peaceful and purposeful life. I want to help you guide you to your happiness :) 




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