Create a Modern Winter Look for Free


Tis the season to stay home. The perfect weather to stay home, stay warm and stay cozy. Since we are spending so much time at home, it is a great time to create a fresh look that brings the outdoors inside.

I am a combination of a homebody and outdoor adventurer. So you know when it is time for winter, I am all for being a homebody, but that doesn't mean I have to forget about nature! 

During my nature walks, I decided that I should bring winter elements indoors. The best winter accessories you can find is from nature! 


love pillow winter
pine tree decor

STEP 1: Go on a nature walk! I know it's cold, you want to stay under your blanket but trust me you will feel great afterward. Layer up and get out! Find pieces that remind you of winter. To me, pine trees remind me of winter. 


What I used:


Live Pine tree branches (Be careful with these bad boys. They are sharp so you might want to wear gloves. Don't be brave like I did. ouch.) 

Dead Pine tree branches :( (They didn't survive the cold poor guys. It is okay we will still make them look pretty)

STEP 2: Spray paint your pine cones and dead branches.  Choose a color that reminds you of winter. I used white, which is always associated with winter snow.

STEP 3: Style your nature elements with pieces you already have at home. Upcycle is key. I used the dead branches in my flower arrangments. I wanted the roses to have a more wintery look. I stuck the live pine branch in a modern vase and scattered the pinecones around the table. 

winter rose arrangements
marble pillow karama

STEP 4: HAVE FUN! There is no perfect way when it comes to your style. It is YOUR style. Making your house warm with cozy blankets, pillows, candles, can't compare with the warmth of happiness that is your heart.

Hope you enjoyed this!

winter decor diy

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